Years of Experience
Fast & Friendly Service
Work 100% Guaranteed
Dr Dent offers a professional and mobile paintless dent removal service to vehicle owners in the Buckinghamshire and Berkshire area of the Home Counties, UK.
What is Paintless Dent Removal?
Paintless dent removal (PDR) is a popular method of removing dents from your vehicle using highly skilled techniques which require no paint or filler..
Paintless dent removal helps to retain your original finish and removes the need for costly body shop dent repair methods e.g. filling and repainting. It is also a more environmentally friendly approach to dent repair.
Vehicle dents, dings and creases can be repaired using paintless dent removal methods which allow your car to be restored to it's original, dent-free condition. Here at Dr Dent, we set the quality standard in Buckinghamshire (Bucks) & Berkshire (Berks) for paintless dent removal (PDR).
It is not a matter of camouflaging the damage; we make creases and dents disappear completely! With this unique process, we restore your vehicle's appearance at a fraction of the cost and turnaround time of conventional body shop. We can repair anything from a small car park dent to a large dent or long crease, dents on swage lines, behind bracing and high spots in boots and bonnets.
We specialise in large complex dents - putting us well ahead of our game. PDR is considered an art form when performed by a fully competent and highly skilled technician. We have years of experience and have repaired hundreds of thousands of dents.
Paintless Dent Removal can be used on all types of cars and vans with steel & aluminium bodies (including plastic bumpers).
Why choose Dr Dent for your Dent Removal?
Unlike many of our rivals, we can repair panels with paint damage as long as the customer is happy to touch up the paint afterwards. We guarantee all repairs and there is no charge unless the customer is completely satisfied. If the repair is unsuccessful, there is no charge for the service! Our customers have nothing to lose - NO REPAIR, NO FEE.
We can offer you a completely free, no obligation quote - simply contact us today!